
Deepak Kumaran Menon has an eagerness for experiencing happiness, acquiring knowledge, seeking inspiration, discovering opportunities, and growing in everything related to media.  

Deepak's debut feature film released on the Malaysian silver screens January, 13th 2005. The film was a story about a girl held down with poverty growing up in a rubber estate who wanted to pursue higher education. It was based on his mum’s teen life story. The film title was “Chemman Chaalai” (The Gravel Road).

The film received rave reviews, won several awards, screened for a three month period at the Malaysian cinemas with an opening day of full house audiences. His mum smiled and told him that she was very proud to have him as her son. Nothing beats blessings from your parents.

Deepak is grateful for the blessings from his family.

As a child, his mum and dad had provided a loving home where he was encouraged to ask bigger questions. His loving mum, Sooria Kumari is a retired Tamil school teacher who was responsible to promote his thirst for education and to seek enlightenment thru spirituality. His strict dad, Sangaran Kutty Menon is a self-taught-multi-talented-video-entrepreneur who gifted Deepak his early exposures into the entertainment business.

Deepak is blessed with three elder sisters, Dr Sangara Kumari (Mbbs), Vijaya Sooria (MA, English Lit), and Nalini Kumari (MSc, Chemical Eng). All his sisters are happily married, each blessed with a pair of children.

Deepak is deeply grateful for his beautiful wife, Amelyn Rani Ebeneizer; who he fondly describes as his beautiful mystery.

Deepak aspires to Be a Billionaire, Learn Dancing, to Complete his MBA, to Pursue his Phd in Management Psychology, to Produce his upcoming feature film script “The Coconut”, to be a National Geographic Travel Culture Photographer, to Produce his debut music album “Rainbows and Butterflies”, and hopefully to Build a Family of his own.

Above all, Deepak aspires to pursue self actualization with continuous self improvement, and most profoundly to smile more!


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